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One Year into The COVID-19 Pandemic

One Year into The COVID-19 Pandemic

One Year into The COVID-19 Pandemic
CCS Blog Other

Photo by <a href="">Pam Menegakis</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Year 5 recently read an online article in Newsela to explore student perspectives: One year into the COVID-19 pandemic. The article reported on the US Census Bureau data that more than 90% of students from preschool to highschool took part in distance learning. Around the world millions of students, ourselves included, had to adapt to a new form of schooling. 

After reading the experiences of students in the US we recorded our own responses. 


Here are some of them:


In The Beginning

I thought the COVID thing would end and it wouldn’t affect me. I really hated to wear a mask. (Tim)

I was happy when the lockdown started. (Emily, Aiden)

It was hard because I alward have to wear a mask and social distance. Homeschooling was boring because I could not see my friends. (Trinity, Izzy)

In the beginning the COVID-19 hit us all in the face like a bullet. I was like “Yay, holiday.” But then I began missing my friends and teachers. I had to cut all the activities I loved. (Emma)

I pretended to be doing work  but really I was playing Roblox or chatting on Gmail with my friends. (Victor)

I thought it was going to be just temporary, when I heard we were going to go online for a week, I was happy, and then when my mum said another week I was sad. (Sasskia)

I thought that online class would be amazing. I could watch Netflix and YouTube while doing school work and eat chips instead of listening. But it was nothing like that. I always had WIFI problems and I kept disconnecting from the call. But it was still fun to play Roblox in class. 


Things I Wish I Told My Past Self

Focus more and care about the work. (Lola)

Have patience (teacher)

Turning on the camera helps me to stay focused (Kenzou)

Pay attention online and not play Munching Masters online. 

Do not cough in public, wear a mask and always wash your hands. 

I wish I told my past self to be focused and I would just watch YouTube and I wouldn’t care about work.


Surprises In A Pandemic

Wearing the mask is like second nature - sometimes I try to eat or drink with it still on. (Austin)

I got way more addicted to videogames especially Fortnite because I had nothing else to do . 

I greatly improved my computer skills during online learning. (Ethan and Alex)

Mindfulness and meditation were some of the best times online as they helped my concentration.

Make sure you move around and exercise more because the day is different to school. 

I make more donations and consciously add foods in the charity bins at the supermarket, taking action to help those less fortunate. 


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One Year into The COVID-19 Pandemic